Thursday, June 18, 2015

Learning to do hair. It is different on a child then a horse.

Friday, June 5, 2015

C.C. Farmer: An Unique Storyteller: Reeds shifting

C.C. Farmer: An Unique Storyteller: Reeds shifting: When One Door Closes Another Opens Alexander Graham Bell is said to have originated this famous saying. And how true it is. A previous bl...

Reeds shifting

When One Door Closes Another Opens Alexander Graham Bell is said to have originated this famous saying. And how true it is. A previous blog I posted was about plans that changed. I’m glad they did because now something better has come. Although I am sad that the door closed another has opened. Reeds Shifting The reeds shifted when the wind blew. The bluegill twitched her tail in annoyance. The reeds shifted back again. The bluegill swam away. The reeds shifted when the wind blew. The hidden bass fry drifted out. Glad for the shifting reeds. C.C. Farmer